Child friendly dentist in Ealing, West London – We’re here to help make your little one feel at ease when visiting the dentist.

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Caring for your baby’s teeth …

Here’s some tips to help you look after your baby’s teeth up to the age of 3 years old.

At dentael, we offer FREE Child’s Dental Check Up when you book yours.
childrens dental care

When to bring your baby to the dentist

You should bring your child to the dentist from a young age. That way they get used to the environment and are relaxed when attending future visits. This was highlighted by the Royal College of Surgeons, who recommended ‘ Parents must make sure their children visit a dentist by the age of one. ‘ It was also recently revealed that tooth extractions in children 4 years age and under rose by 24 % in the last decade . A further study showed, 80% of under-twos in England failed to visit the dentist.

After their initial visit, they should attend regularly, as often as recommended by the dentist.

Baby teeth usually start breaking through the gums at around 6 months age. The teething process may continue on until about 2-3 years by which time they will usually have 20 baby teeth. Growing teeth can often cause discomfort. Chilled teething rings may help soothe the sore gums. DO NOT place anything sweet on the teething ring.

Dummies should also be avoided as they can become a habit that can affect the alignment of teeth.

How to clean your baby’s teeth

Parents/carers should brush or supervise toothbrushing.

As soon as teeth grow into the mouth, brush them twice daily with a fluoridated toothpaste. If it’s difficult to use a toothbrush, consider using a guaze or flannel to at least wipe teeth rather than not cleaning them at all.

Brush last thing at night and on one other occasion.

Use a soft toothbrush designed for young children and brush for about 2 minutes gently in small circular motions.

Use fluoridated toothpaste containing no less than 1,000ppm fluoride, that is age related specific.

It’s good practice to use only a smear of toothpaste as it’s unlikely your child will be able to spit out properly.

Avoiding tooth decay

Breast feeding provides the best nutrition for babies.

Introduce infants once at the age of six months to drinking from a free-flow cup. Once your child is one years old try to discourage feeding from a bottle.

Sugar should not be added to weaning foods or drinks.

Reduce the frequency and amount of sugary food and drinks. Try to get your little one into good habits from a young age. Milk or water between meals are better options.

If your child needs to take medication, try to give them sugar-free medicines.

Dental check ups are free at  dentael for children up to the age of 16, whose parent is a regular patient of the practice. We aim to make your little ones visit a fun experience.

To book your child’s appointment with our dentist … please call   020 8997 0006 or submit online appointment request form.

“ My child’s first time to Dentist, he was a bit nervous

but Dr Rashpal professionalism and easy manner

put my child at ease straight away 

Mrs WD

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